miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2008

Radiohead - Vivo Earls Court (2003)

El último recital del Día.

Espero que éste año pisen nuestro país..

Lo pude subir por mediafire:)

Radiohead - Vivo Earls Court (2003)

1. There There
2. 2+2=5
3. Sit Down. Stand Up.
4. Where I End and You Begin
5. Lucky
6. Backdrifts
7. I Might Be Wrong
8. Myxomatosis
9. Creep
10. Paranoid Android
11. Go To Sleep
12. Sail To The Moon
13. No Surprises
14. The Gloaming
15. Just
16. Exit Music (for a film)
17. Idioteque
18. Like Spinning Plates
19. National Anthem
20. Punch Up At a Wedding
21. How To Disappear Completely

22. We Suck Young Blood
23. The Bends
24. Follow Me Around
25. Everything In Its Right Place

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