jueves, 21 de febrero de 2008

Deep Purple - In Rock

Tricota de Deep Purple:)

Deep Purple - In Rock

01 - "Speed King"
02 - "Bloodsucker"
03 - "Child in Time"
04 - "Flight of the Rat"
05 - "Into the Fire"
06 - "Living Wreck"
07 - "Hard Lovin' Man"
08 - "Black Night"
09 - "Studio Chat
10 - "Speed King" (Versión con Piano)
11 - "Studio Chat
12 - "Cry Free"
13 - "Studio Chat (
14 - "Jam Stew" (Instrumental)
15 - "Studio Chat
16 - "Flight of the Rat"
17 - "Studio Chat
18 - "Speed King"
19 - "Studio Chat
20 - "Black Night"

Descarga de Aquí:


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